Produse pentru scoci de bucata holstein faina (4)

Pudră de ceapă organică

Pudră de ceapă organică

"Descent and history The onion is a bulbous plant and is related to the carrot and the leek. These bulbous plants store food in a bulb that survives the winter and therefore they are the first plants to emerge from the ground in spring. The onion plant grows from seed, and the bulb is formed in the first year. According to writings from around 3000 BC, the onion was first cultivated in parts of Asia. Eventually, the onion also made its way to Egypt, where these sliced onions also come from. The pyramid builders were given onions as rations, it served as food and medicine during the journey to the afterlife. Taste and Use The onion is used worldwide in the kitchen as a vegetable and comes in many shapes and colours. Onions have a strong taste and smell, which become less strong when heated. These organic onions are dried and ground into powder. Onion powder is made from the white onion and can serve as a substitute for fresh onions in many dishes, such a…"
Făină de cocos organică - Din nuci de cocos coapte, uscate ușor și parțial degresate

Făină de cocos organică - Din nuci de cocos coapte, uscate ușor și parțial degresate

Organic coconut flour is made from gently dried and de-oiled organic coconuts from controlled organic cultivation. It is produced exclusively on the basis of 100% natural coconut meat. The flour is an fine, white to cream-colored powder with an aromatic coconut flavor and a pleasant scent of coconut. Coconut flour is excellent for baking. Up to 20% of the amount of flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by coconut flour. To meet the daily need for fiber, the fine coconut flour is also suitable as an addition. This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
Pudră de zahăr din trestie BIO - Pudră de zahăr din trestie BIO

Pudră de zahăr din trestie BIO - Pudră de zahăr din trestie BIO

"Oorsprong en geschiedenis Rietsuiker Rietsuiker is een uit bestaande voorouders gecultiveerde soort riet. Hij werd voor het eerst gecultiveerd door de Austronesiërs in maritiem Zuidoost-Azië, zo'n 5000 jaar voor Christus. Dankzij een prehistorische migratie over zee breiden de Austronesiërs hun gebieden tot 1500 vC uit van Madagaskar tot Hawaï. En tijdens die migraties kwam de rietsuiker mee. Van rietsuiker werd voor het eerst suiker gemaakt in Noord-India. Door moslims en arabische handelaren werd de Rietsuiker vanaf de 8e eeuw verder verspreid over de wereld. In de middeleeuwen was rietsuiker in Europa een statussymbool van macht en werd het tot de zeldzame en dure specerijen gerekend. Hoe wordt Rietsuiker (poeder) gemaakt? Rietsuiker kan in verschillende vormen voorkomen. Afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid Melasse die uit het oerproduct wordt gefilterd, wordt de kleur van rietsuiker steeds lichter. Melasse is een product dat wordt verwerkt in onder andere r…"
Făină de Migdale Pământene Bio - La En-Gros sau Ambalare pe Contract. Făină de Migdale Pământene Bio din agricultură ecologică certificată.

Făină de Migdale Pământene Bio - La En-Gros sau Ambalare pe Contract. Făină de Migdale Pământene Bio din agricultură ecologică certificată.

Dieses Bio Erdmandelmehl zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Qualität und den leckeren, lieblich-nussigen Geschmack aus. Die Erdmandel ist eine Pflanze, die sowohl im Mittelmeerraum als auch in Teilen Afrikas angebaut wird. Die zu den Zyperngräsern gehörende Erdmandel ist auch als Tigernuss oder Chufanuss bekannt und verdankt Ihren Namen den Wurzelknollen, deren Geschmack an Mandeln erinnert. Beim Backen setzt die nussige Note aromatische Akzente, sodass Nüsse in Kuchen und Gebäck durch Erdmandelmehl ausgetauscht werden können. Durch den süßlichen Geschmack empfiehlt sich Erdmandelmehl auch ideal zur Zubereitung von Süßspeisen, Snacks und Desserts. In Milch aufgelöst ist das Erdmandelmehl ein Milchersatz für die vegane Ernährung. Bei Bio-Produkten: DE-ÖKO-006 Herkunft:Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft Verpackung:12,5 kg Säcke